CannAssist International (CNSC) Corporate Media Kit

CANNASSIST SOLUTION Third Party Testing Published Findings Use Less, Pay Less Third-party testing has confirmed that products made with CiBiDinol demonstrate a 400 percent increase in skin penetration compared to regular CBD in oil carriers alone, as well as a 300 percent higher absorption rate in the gut. CiBiDinol technology is the foundation for Xceptor Labs and the Xceptol brand which has five National Drug Code pain creams. Xceptor Labs will continue to publish critical third-party testing to support our commitment to complete transparency. Extended Shelf Life Third-party testing has confirmed Xceptol brands and products, made with CiBiDinol, retain CBD levels for up to two years. Longer lasting products ensure product performance at point of sale and beyond. Clinical test results indicate that the amount of CBD needed to achieve targeted endpoints become significantly less when using Xceptol/CiBiDinol products, resulting in lower costs for manufacturers and consumers.