Perpetual Industries Inc. (PRPI) Corporate Media Kit

WindSilo – Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Perpetual Industries’ WindSilo turbine incorporates the proprietary XYO Balancing Technology to improve balancing issues that are common in most wind turbines today. The company’s design is engineered to begin generating power at low wind speeds plus enable much faster spin speeds and result in greater energy output. Trine University, a private post-secondary institution located in Angola, Indiana, was awarded a grant to assist the company in the development of the WindSilo. Perpetual Industries believes that its innovative design has the potential to eliminate the expensive traditional methods of balancing wind turbines while increasing their efficiency, performance and reliability. The XYO Washing Machine The company is currently developing a proprietary domestic washing machine design that integrates XYO Mechanical Balancers to dynamically compensate for variable mass imbalance during the spin cycle. Perpetual Industries expects a number of benefits resulting from the design, includ- ing higher spin speeds, large reduction in vibration, reduced energy consumption, less wear and tear, as well as decreased operating noise. Perpetual Industries’ research shows that a more efficient design holds significant market potential. With annual production of an estimated 70 million washing machines and daily use of over 500 million, even a small reduction in energy consumption could be pivotal. A 15% reduc- tion in energy usage of all washing machines would result in enough energy to power the city of Milan. Perpetual Industries’ efficient design is expected to reduce energy usage by up to 50%. Prototype testing of the company’s design has demonstrated it as highly effective at reduc- ing vibration with XYO Balancing Technology incorporated into the spin basket assembly.