Wrap Technologies (WRTC) Corporate Media Kit

www. wr aptechnologies.com Corporate Information 36.5 million Shares Outstanding (7/30/2020) 20.7 million Non-Affiliate Public Float (7/30/2020) 15.8 million Insider Ownership (7/30/2020) $35.4 million* Cash (6/30/2020) $37 million* Stockholders’ Equity (6/30/2020) $0.36 million LT Debt (6/30/2020) 7.7 million Options, Warrants & RSUs (7/30/2020) NASDAQ: WRTC www.wraptechn logies.com 23,000+ Shareholders (7/30/2020) ©2020 • Wrap Technologies, Inc. 21 2 10 16 *Shares outstanding reflect 2.1 million warrants exercised in July 2020 providing $11 million in net proceeds that are not reflected in the June 30, 2020 cash and stockholders’ equity totals above.